Spring Cleaning your Finances Checklist
Check your credit
Your Credit Score can make a huge impact on your financial life – be sure to stay up-to-date on it. It’s recommended to check your credit score every year to be familiar with your credit report. When you know your credit score it helps you to continue to set goals and improve your responsible credit habits.
Shred old documents
It’s easy to let your financial documents pie up, year after year. These piles often hold both important and unimportant documents. Read our “Keep or Shred” blog to see a list of some of the documents that you should keep and the documents you can shred from that pile. Then organize the important documents, so when you are looking for a specific one, you are not having to go through an entire pile of years’ worth of documents. *Any document with personal information should be shredded in order to decrease the chances of fraud.
Reevaluate where you can save
If you have any subscriptions or memberships to platforms or places you no longer use, cancel those to save money. Take a look at some of your past WCU statements to see where reoccurring money is being spent and try to reduce the amount by canceling any unused or unnecessary spending. Just by doing this, you will notice the savings begin to build.
Create / revisit your budget
After your research, create a budget that will be realistic for you to follow but will help ensure you have your bills covered while having some extra to put into savings. Budgeting is flexible to the point where you can update it from year to year, as you pay things off, etc. A budget is a wonderful way to keep your finances in check while also knowing exactly where every penny of your paycheck is going.
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