4 Money Saving Energy Conservation Tips for Winter
As the weather cools off this fall, it’s time to start thinking about getting your home ready for winter. In a few weeks or so, your electric bill and wallet will start feeling the consequences of the colder temperatures. To combat the extra expenses, try these energy conservation tips for the cold weather months.
Keep It Open
When it’s cold outside, try to keep your curtains and blinds open to let the natural sunlight in. The sun will naturally warm your home causing your heating system to run less. The less it runs, the more money stays in your wallet.
Check for Leaks
Go around to each window and door in your home and check to see if you can feel any cold air leaking through. Another great way to check for air leaks is to see if you can see sunlight peeking around the corners of any windows or doors. If you do find a leak, make sure you caulk or seal it right away. The more warm air escapes from your home, the harder your heater has to work to keep your house at a comfortable temperature.
Let Your Fan Help
Believe it or not, your ceiling fan can help keep your home warm by simply reversing the rotation of the blades. Since hot air rises, set your fan blades to spin clockwise to help push that warm air down to where you can feel it. It’s a simple tip, but it can be very effective–especially in smaller spaces.
Switch to LED
A great measure to take any time of the year, switching out any of your regular light bulbs to LEDs can help conserve energy and lower your electric bill. However, as the holidays approach, consider using all LED holiday lights for your decorations this year. You will likely see a reduction in the Christmastime electric bill spike that everyone comes to dread.
So you see, implementing a few of these energy conservation measures can really add up to savings! Just follow these tips and you can be on your way to saving money during the winter months.
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